A 6 day Cultural Talk Program on “The Four Noble Truths” – The Himalayan Society for Youth and Women Empowerment (HSYWE)

A 6 day Cultural Talk Program on “The Four Noble Truths”

A 6 day cultural talk program on “The Four Noble Truths”

HSYWE successfully organized a six day cultural talk program on Wednesday 11th – Monday 16th September 2019 from morning 8: 45 am till 11: 30 am at GyaSumDo Monastery. We had Geshe Lobsang Dawa and Translator Thupten Acharya as Resource person. Total 535 participants attended including 108 males and 427 females. The participants were local people around Swayambhu areas; some were from Boudha, Jawalakhel, HSYWE board members, Language Program students and staff.

 The objective of the program was:

  • To explain The Four Noble Truths
  • To explain the essence of meditation


The talk program was well rated by the participants. Most of the people were benefited by the program. They claimed to have felt more spiritually stable and found peace of mind after attending the program. Moreover, they have been able to acquire more knowledge on Buddhism, specifically “The Four Noble Truths” which has broadened their sense of differentiating between good and bad. Most of the people have started meditating and following the holy path which has helped in tackling issues in their life. In this way, the program has benefited the participants by giving them more knowledge and its application in their personal lives.

The people who attended the program have affirmed that they would spread the knowledge they gained to their close ones as well as implement it in their daily life. Numerous people have also expressed their appreciation of the program and how it has motivated them to be kind, contribute in good deeds, as well as help people in need. The most common response was to be ‘a good human’ and practice kindness, compassion and have good morals.

Majority of the people wanted and requested to have similar programs to be held with a minimum of 10 days extension. The second most requested program after that was a meditation program. However, other programs such as Environment Preservation Program, Health and Cleanliness Program, Heart Sutra Program, Personality Enhancement Program, and programs related to women and social issues, Buddhism, custom and traditions, public welfare, were also recommended.

Here are some Suggestions:

Although a multitude of people were completely satisfied with the program, some advised on betterment of similar programs that are to be held in the future were given. 

  • Quite a few people wanted programs like this to be held in other areas as well, some even recommended rural areas and other parts of Nepal.
  • Similar programs were requested to be conducted for an extended period of time. A bigger venue, proper water supply, louder speakers and information via social media was also suggested. Other then these suggestions people were highly appreciative and claimed the program was organized, systematic and meticulously planned.


  • Kumari Shrestha claimed, “Yes, this program has benefited me as I feel more spiritually stable and feel peace of mind.”


  • Sherab Dolma Rana, responded to the same question saying, “Yes, this program introduced me to the root cause of suffering, ways to stop causes of suffering and path to be free from all suffering”.


  • When asked for suggestions to improve the program, Tsomo responded by stating, “No, I don’t have any comment. It is really helpful and I got to know many things. I really appreciate your hard work and kindness towards us. I am grateful for this program”


Geshe Lobsang Dawa la explained that it was essential to know the importance of 4 noble truths as this was the foundation of all the Buddhist philosophy. The Four Noble Truths are:

  1. The truth of suffering
  2. The truth of the cause of suffering
  3. The truth of the end of suffering, and
  4. The truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

The Four Noble Truths comprised the essence of Buddha’s teachings. It explained the suffering transition of birth to aging to sickness and death. The way to extinguish desire, which causes sufferings, one must liberate oneself from attachment and also learn and understand from the Four Noble Truths. Geshe la explained that there’s no any other superior mental education other than the one explained by Buddha. Buddha’s teaching had also explained about modern science along with mental science. In Buddha’s character, one of the major qualities is science, philosophy and emptiness. We have Buddha’s dharma in terms of science, philosophy and logical reasoning.

Geshe la also revised the previous talk program topic how this wheel of life, death and rebirth continues. The sessions were also followed by 5- 10 minutes of meditation practice. Geshe la urged all the participants to meditate every morning by paying attention to the breath, or to body and feelings to feel more peace, calm and develop mindfulness.


The program successfully completed on 16th September 2019. Majority of the participants were contented after attending the program. Majority of the participants looked forward to attend similar programs in the future too. Overall, it was a productive session.

Published on: October 18, 2019 17:00:57