Practical Accounting Training (PAT-II) – The Himalayan Society for Youth and Women Empowerment (HSYWE)

Practical Accounting Training (PAT-II)

HSYWE organized a workshop on “Practical Accounting Training (PAT-II) for the staff ,monks and nuns from different monastries with the help of resource person Mr.Anand Shrestha ji from 13th to 16th of October 2015.

Day 1: Focused on chart and accounts

Day 2 :Vouching,Ledger Posting and Preparation of Trial Balance

Day 3:Cash,Bank Operation,Tax and VAT and Last day focused on Procurement Management ,Travel Management and Human Resource                Management,Financial Reporting (SOE,FAS,Income Statement and Balance Sheet)

Published on: July 18, 2019 10:11:39